SORNA Implementation Survey

U.S. Government Accountability Office


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Section 1: Status of SORNA Implementation and SMART Office Review

1. The Department of Justice's (DOJ) Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART Office) is responsible for, among other things, administering the standards for SORNA, which includes reviewing and advising on the efforts of covered jurisdictions to implement the requirements of the law.

Has your jurisdiction submitted an implementation package to the SMART Office for review? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 2

No - In the space
below, please
explain why you
have not.
Not checked


39 13 0 0

Please explain why you have not submitted an implementation package; then skip to question 4.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

2. What determination, if any, has the SMART Office made regarding whether your jurisdiction has substantially implemented the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

The SMART Office determined that my jurisdiction has substantially implemented the requirements of SORNA - Skip to question 12 The SMART Office determined that my jurisdiction has not yet substantially implemented the requirements of SORNA - Continue to question 3 The SMART Office has not yet made a determination on the implementation status of my jurisdiction - Skip to question 4 Not checked Skipped
19 19 1 0 13

3. Do you agree with the SMART Office's determination that your jurisdiction has not yet substantially implemented the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 4

No - In the space
below, please
explain why not.
Don't know -
Continue to question
Not checked


13 5 1 0 33

Please explain why you disagree with the SMART Office's determination.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

4. Is your jurisdiction actively working to substantially implement the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 5

No - In the space
below, please
explain why not.
Don't know -
Continue to question
Not checked


22 10 1 0 19

Please explain why you are not actively working to substantially implement the requirements of SORNA; then skip to question 6.

(View question)

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5. When does your jurisdiction plan to submit an (updated) implementation package to the SMART Office for review? Click one button.

(View question)

By the end of
calendar year
In calendar year
After calendar
year 2013
Don't know

Not checked


0 5 1 16 1 29

Status of SORNA Implementation and SMART Office Review (cont'd)

6. According to the SMART Office, when jurisdictions submit substantial implementation materials for review, the implementation package should include the Substantial Implementation Checklist tool, with materials organized into the following 14 sections, which cover the major requirements of SORNA.

In your opinion, how clear, if at all, is the SMART Office's published guidance, including the checklist tool, covering each of the following 14 sections of requirements? Click one button in each row.

(View question)

I. Immediate Transfer of Information

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
20 7 1 5 0 19

II. Offenses that Must Be Included in the Registry

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
22 5 2 4 0 19

III. Tiering of Offenses

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
19 8 2 4 0 19

IV. Required Registration Information

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
27 2 0 4 0 19

V. Where Registration Is Required

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
25 4 0 4 0 19

VI. Initial Registration: Timing and Notice

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
24 3 1 5 0 19

VII. Initial Registration: Retroactive Classes of Offenders

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
20 7 1 5 0 19

VIII. Keeping the Registration Current

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
27 2 0 4 0 19

IX. Verification/Appearance Requirements

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
27 2 0 4 0 19

X. Public Registry Website Requirements

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
27 1 1 4 0 19

XI. Community Notification

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
26 3 0 4 0 19

XII. Failure to Register as a Sex Offender: State Penalty

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
26 2 1 4 0 19

XIII. When Sex Offender Fails to Appear for Registration

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
27 1 1 4 0 19

XIV. When a Jurisdiction Has Information That a Sex Offender May Have Absconded

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
26 1 1 4 1 19

7. If you answered "Somewhat clear" or "Not at all clear" to any of the above, please describe what is unclear about the guidance and provide suggestions, if any, for improving the clarity of the guidance.

(View question)

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8. Pursuant to SORNA, designated federally recognized Indian tribes are entitled to elect to become SORNA registration and notification jurisdictions or to delegate the responsibility to the state in which they are located. If a state has a tribe or tribes located within its boundaries that have elected to implement SORNA, the SMART Office requests that it provide additional information when submitting substantial implementation materials for review.

If tribal considerations are applicable in your jurisdiction, in your opinion, how clear, if at all, is the SMART Office's published guidance for that section of requirements? Click one button.

(View question)

Very clear

Somewhat clear
- In the space
below, please
explain why.
Not at all clear
- In the space
below, please
explain why.
Don't know

Not applicable

Not checked


11 3 2 1 15 1 19

If you answered "Somewhat clear" or "Not at all clear", please describe what is unclear about the guidance on tribal considerations and provide suggestions, if any, for improving the clarity of the guidance.

(View question)

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9. In your opinion, how clear, if at all, are the criteria the SMART Office use to determine whether a jurisdiction has substantially implemented the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Very clear
Somewhat clear Not at all clear Don't know
Not checked
7 16 6 4 0 19

10. How responsive, if at all, has the SMART Office been to your jurisdiction's questions regarding substantial implementation requirements? Click one button.

(View question)

Very responsive

Moderately responsive

Slightly responsive

Not at all responsive

We have not contacted
the SMART Office
Not checked


25 6 0 1 0 1 19

11. If you would like to add further comment to any of your answers in this section of the questionnaire (implementation status or the SMART office review), please do so in the space below.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

Section 2: Challenges Regarding SORNA Implementation

12. How much of a challenge, if at all, have the following been to your jurisdiction's efforts to substantially implement SORNA? Click one button in each row.

(View question)

a. Reconciling conflicts between SORNA and state constitution

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
12 8 24 7 1 0

b. Reconciling conflicts between SORNA and state laws

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
27 11 11 2 1 0

c. Applying the conviction-based tiering structure

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
18 12 16 4 2 0

d. Applying the registration requirements to certain types of offenses

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
8 16 23 4 1 0

e. Applying the juvenile registration requirements

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
20 11 16 4 1 0

f. Applying the requirements retroactively

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
24 10 14 3 1 0

g. Applying the frequency of registration requirements

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
15 11 22 3 1 0

h. Applying the in-person appearances or verification requirements

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
11 11 24 4 2 0

i. Applying the duration of registration requirements

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
7 19 21 4 1 0

j. Applying the requirements for registration information (such as internet identifiers, addresses, and text of registration offense)

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
8 14 26 3 1 0

k. Applying the public (community) notification requirements

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
8 15 25 3 1 0

l. Covering the costs associated with implementation of SORNA

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
21 14 9 7 1 0

m. Generating the political will to implement the necessary changes

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
27 6 13 5 1 0

n. Other challenges - describe in box below:

(View question)

Major challenge Minor challenge Not a challenge Don't know Not checked Skipped
3 1 8 13 27 0

If other challenges, please describe:

(View question)

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13. If you answered "Major Challenge" or "Minor Challenge" to any of the above, please explain why it is or was a challenge.

(View question)

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14. For each major or minor challenge discussed above, what, if anything, is your jurisdiction doing (or did your jurisdiction do) to address it?

(View question)

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15. For each major or minor challenge discussed above, what, if anything, could DOJ or the SMART Office do to address it?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

16. Are any of the major or minor challenges discussed above keeping your jurisdiction from substantially implementing SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - In the
space below,
please describe.

No - Continue
to question 17

Don't know -
Continue to question

Not applicable,
we have already
implemented -
Continue to question 17
Not checked


29 11 4 7 1 0

Please describe how any challenges are keeping you from implementing SORNA.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

17. Are there any aspects of SORNA as currently written that you would suggest changing? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 18
No - Skip to
question 19
Don't know -
Skip to question 19
Not checked


20 17 12 3 0

18. What changes would you suggest and why?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

Challenges Regarding SORNA Implementation (cont'd)

19. Has your office ever applied for a grant from the SMART Office's Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program to help implement the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)


No - In the space
below, please
explain why your
office has not.
Don't know

Not checked


42 6 2 2 0

Please describe why your office has not applied for a grant, then skip to question 21.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

20. Has your office ever received any grant funding from the SMART Office's Support for Adam Walsh Act Implementation Grant Program to help implement the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Don't know Not checked Skipped
34 8 2 2 6

21. Has your jurisdiction received any non-grant assistance from DOJ or the SMART Office, such as specialized training or technical assistance, to help implement the requirements of SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 22
No - Skip to
question 24
Don't know -
Skip to question 24
Not checked


16 31 3 2 0

22. What type(s) of non-grant assistance did your jurisdiction receive from DOJ or the SMART Office to help implement the requirements of SORNA?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

23. How useful, if at all, has this non-grant assistance from DOJ or the SMART Office been to your jurisdiction's efforts to implement SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

Very useful
Moderately useful Slightly useful Not at all useful Don't know
Not checked
11 3 2 0 0 0 36

24. Does your jurisdiction use the SORNA Exchange Portal? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 25

No - In the space
below, please
explain why not.
Don't know

Not checked


44 5 1 2 0

Please describe why your jurisdiction does not use the SORNA Exchange Portal, then skip to question 26.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

25. How useful, if at all, is the SORNA Exchange Portal to your jurisdiction? Click one button.

(View question)

Very useful
Moderately useful Slightly useful Not at all useful Don't know
Not checked
16 18 8 0 3 2 5

Please explain why the SORNA Exchange Portal is or is not useful.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

26. If you would like to add further comment to any of your answers in this section of the questionnaire (challenges with implementation), please provide below.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

Section 3: Effects of SORNA Implementation

27. To what extent, if any, has your jurisdiction made changes to your sex offender registration and notification requirements in order to implement SORNA? Click one button.

(View question)

To a great extent

To a moderate
To a slight extent

No changes made
- Skip to question 32
Don't know -
Skip to question
Not checked


17 12 10 12 0 1 0

28. Please describe the key changes your jurisdiction made to your sex offender registration and notification requirements in order to implement SORNA.

(View question)

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29. In general, what positive effects, if any, have you observed or do you expect of implementing these changes in your jurisdiction? (This could include effects on information sharing, law enforcement resources, monitoring sex offenders, etc.)

(View question)

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30. In general, what negative effects, if any, have you observed or do you expect of implementing these changes in your jurisdiction? (This could include effects on information sharing, law enforcement resources, monitoring sex offenders, etc.)

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

31. To the best of your knowledge, have you observed an increase or decrease in the following areas as a result of implementing SORNA requirements? Click one button in each row.

(View question)

a. Number of registered adult sex offenders

(View question)

Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease Don't know Not checked Skipped
4 14 14 0 0 5 2 13

b. Number of registered juvenile sex offenders

(View question)

Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease Don't know Not checked Skipped
4 2 22 1 1 8 1 13

c. Number of adult sex offenders who are lifetime registrants

(View question)

Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease Don't know Not checked Skipped
7 9 17 1 0 4 1 13

d. Number of juvenile sex offenders who are lifetime registrants

(View question)

Large increase Slight increase No change Slight decrease Large decrease Don't know Not checked Skipped
5 1 24 0 0 8 1 13

32. Are you aware of any studies on the effects of SORNA requirements in your jurisdiction? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Not checked Skipped
2 48 2 0

33. If you would like to add further comment to any of your answers in this section of the questionnaire (effects of SORNA implementation), please provide below.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

Section 4: Tracking Sex Offenders Entering or Leaving the U.S.

34. Under section 128 of SORNA, the Attorney General, in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Homeland Security, is required to establish a system for informing domestic jurisdictions about persons entering the United States who are required to register under SORNA. Further, 18 U.S.C. 2250(a)(2)(B) makes it a federal crime for a sex offender required to register under SORNA to travel in foreign commerce and knowingly fail to register or update a registration in the U.S., as required by SORNA.

Prior to receiving this questionnaire, was your jurisdiction aware that DOJ's SORNA guidelines state that registered sex offenders must inform their jurisdiction about plans to travel outside of the United States at least 21 days prior to such travel? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Don't know Not checked Skipped
48 3 0 1 0

35. Are registered sex offenders in your jurisdiction required to provide advance notice of international travel? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes - Continue
to question 36

No - In the space
below, please
explain why not.
Not checked


28 22 2 0

Please explain why registered sex offenders are not required to provide advance notice of international travel.

(View question)

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36. Prior to receiving this questionnaire, was your jurisdiction aware that DOJ's SORNA guidelines state that registered sex offenders must provide passport information when notifying a jurisdiction about their plans to travel outside of the United States? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Don't know Not checked Skipped
45 6 0 1 0

37. Does your jurisdiction collect passport information from registered sex offenders? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes, at the time of registration - Continue to question 38 Yes, prior to travel - Continue to question 38 No, it does not collect passport information - In the space below, please explain why not. Not checked Skipped
17 8 26 1 0

Please explain why passport information is not collected.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

38. What challenges, if any, has your jurisdiction experienced in ensuring that registered sex offenders who plan to travel outside of the United States notify the jurisdiction OR in collecting passport information from registered sex offenders?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

39. What actions, if any, has your jurisdiction taken to address these challenges?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

40. What actions, if any, could the federal government take to address these challenges?

(View question)

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Tracking Sex Offenders Entering or Leaving the U.S. (cont'd)

41. Prior to receiving this questionnaire, was your jurisdiction aware of DOJ's requirement (identified in the SORNA Supplemental Guidelines) to inform the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS) about any registered sex offenders who, to the jurisdiction's knowledge, plan to travel outside of the United States? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Don't know Not checked Skipped
46 4 1 1 0

42. Prior to receiving this questionnaire, was your jurisdiction aware of the Notification of International Travel of Sex Offender form that jurisdictions are to complete and submit to USMS when a registered sex offender informs the jurisdiction of plans to travel outside the United States? Click one button.

(View question)

Yes No Don't know Not checked Skipped
39 9 3 1 0

43. What challenges, if any, have you experienced in notifying USMS about sex offenders leaving the U.S.?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

44. In your opinion, what can USMS and other relevant federal agencies do to address any challenges identified above?

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

45. If you would like to add further comment to any of your answers in this section of the questionnaire (tracking sex offenders entering or leaving the U.S.), please provide below.

(View question)

Data intentionally not reported

Submit your Questionnaire

46. Are you done with this questionnaire?
Clicking "Yes" below tells GAO that your answers are final. We will not use your answers unless the "Yes" button is checked when you last exit the questionnaire.

(View question)

Yes No Not checked Skipped
52 0 0 0

47. Would you like a record of your answers to this questionnaire? If so, click here to view and print a summary of your responses.

Click on the Save & Exit Questionnaire button below to exit the survey.

Thank you for completing this questionnaire!

(View question)