Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities

U.S. Government Accountability Office

Purchase agricultural or rural housing mortgage loans and securitize loans into guaranteed securities or agricultural mortgage-backed securities

Administering Agency/Entity Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation (Farmer Mac)
Short Description Farmer Mac is a government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) established by Congress to create a secondary market in agricultural real estate and rural housing loans, and improve the availability of agricultural mortgage credit. Farmer Mac is also an independent entity within the Farm Credit System, which is another GSE. As a Farm Credit System institution, Farmer Mac is subject to the regulatory authority of the Farm Credit Administration.
Primary Purpose Increase availability of mortgage loans
Type of Housing Supported Homeownership
Type of Assistance Other
Fiscal Year 2010 Obligations None; Farmer Mac is not included in the federal budget.

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