Housing Assistance: An Inventory of Fiscal Year 2010 Programs, Tax Expenditures, and Other Activities

U.S. Government Accountability Office

Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities (Section 811)

Administering Agency/Entity Department of Housing and Urban Development
Short Description Provides interest-free capital advances to nonprofit sponsors to help finance the development of supportive housing for very low-income adults with disabilities. The advance does not have to be repaid as long as the housing remains available for very low-income persons with disabilities for at least 40 years. The program also provides project rental assistance, which covers the difference between the operating costs of the development as approved by HUD and the tenants’ contribution toward rent (usually 30 percent of adjusted income).
Primary Purpose Assistance for financing rental housing
Type of Housing Supported Rental Housing
Type of Assistance Capital advance
Fiscal Year 2010 Obligations $130,359,000

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